Wednesday, December 03, 2008


It's 2.34am and i still can't get to sleep.
tomorrow i am meeting ren at 11am. provided he did not fly his aeroplane AGAIN.

im excited that im gonna see him.
it's always like that.
like we're dating.
and he just sits around and feels that we're an overdued couple and once in a while fly some airplanes on me.
this sucks.

i still cannot straighten out my feelings.
sometimes it's just so overwhelming that i personally feel that i am suffocating myself and maybe him.

what's wrong with me?
i've been asking myself this question forever.
but i simply can't get the answer.
i shall just let it dangle there in the meantime.

now, i should go do mask.
anyway, im gonna meet him tomorrow.
so, just be a little prettier won't do me any harm. =)

can't wait to see him. =)
nitey readers.

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