went to granny's place. they say she'll be coming back at 2am - 4am.
now it's 6am. and im totally awake.
been working since i got back.
i think im still in a daze.
why did i not visited her more often?
life's really fragile.
treasure the people around you.
for one moment they're here. the next, they'll be gone.
dad must be real sad.
my heart breaks whenever i see him staring into space, deep in his thoughts.
grandma took care of me.
there're so many fond memories of her.
why did i not visited her more often?
i keep asking myself this question.
we ate durian at granny's place today.
hoping she would be around as that is her favourite food.
she must be really happy to see everyone gather together.
coming back from all parts of the world.
we sat around and talked about old times.
look at old photos and i realised i miss her so much.
she looked so young and beautiful then.
i learnt a lesson.
to treasure everyone around me.
to love and care.
maybe along the road of life, i lose myself.
i forgot about the lessons that granny used to teach me and got caught up with studies and partying. i forgot to look back and slow things down.
i would try to spend time with people that i care and care for me from now on.
i don't wish to look back in regrets no more.
granny, congratulations. u've become an angel.
stay happy in heaven.
we'll always think of you.
see you in xxx years time, if i manage to go heaven.
i love you.
oi.. stupid dumb dumb.
add a tag board la!
hang our soon alright?
now the stewardess is free but ur turn to be unavailable. :)
Ya we confirm going on thurs.
Is okay...
If you can then just join us if cannot then just enjoy your new year day. :)
go to www.shoutmix.com
create an account then can get a free tag board just copy the code and paste the code in ur template just like how u did ur music player. :D
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